The smart MIYO garden

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Tipps von MIYO zur Rasenpflege im Sommer

Proper lawn care? With MIYO you know how!

Mähen, Bewässern und Düngen sind die wichtigen Elemente der Rasenpflege. Regelmäßiges Mähen sorgt für gesünderen und dichteren Rasen. Beim Bewässern ist die Anpassung an die jahreszeitlichen und we...

MIYO mit Google Home und LOXONE

MIYO conquers Google Home & now also runs with LOXONE

Finally, it exists – the possibility of having just one Sensor in a garden area. No automatic irrigation, just control. Thanks to the latest integrations, MIYO can now also be controlled via Loxone...

Frühlingsgefühle bei MIYO

Spring feelings at MIYO

As soon as the first warm rays of sunshine awaken nature from its winter slumber, it is also high time to get the garden and balcony ready for spring. The smart irrigation system MIYO is already fe...

MIYO NachhaltigkeitMIYO und viRaTec haben Grund zum Feiern

MIYO has reason to celebrate

On March 22, we celebrate World Water Day to raise awareness of the importance of water as a basis for life for humanity. Additionally, the smart irrigation system MIYO has another major success to...