
MIYO Cube – new software release

MIYO Cube – neues Software Release

In recent months, the Cube software has been completely renewed. With the Cube software version 2.0, all system components are brought up to the latest technical standard. This includes major improvements in terms of performance and stability and the preparation of numerous functional extensions in the next releases. The new version is 100% compatible with the previous versions of the MIYO Cloud and MIYO API.

From now on, all systems will be delivered with software version 2.0 so that MIYO can make your garden's irrigation management even smarter in the future, saving water and protecting soil and plants.

Support for upgrading older cubes is available via email at For technical reasons, the update is not possible for all cubes in the field with this version jump. We offer a free update for these cubes if you send us the cube.

Have fun in your smart garden


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