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6 Monate Erfahrungswerte mit dem Sensor S2

6 months of experience with the Sensor S2

We can now look back on over 6 months of practical experience with the new generation of sensors. Based on the data, we can say that the MIYO Sensor S2 sets new standards in terms of precision and ...

BewässerungMIYO Cube – neues Software Release

MIYO Cube – new software release

MIYO Cube software version 2.0 is now available and brings major improvements in terms of performance and stability. This also creates the basis for functional extensions in the next releases to ma...

MIYO Hibernation

Die Temperaturen werden kälter und der Garten geht in Winterruhe. Auch für MIYO, das smarte und vollautomatische Bewässerungssystem, ist es jetzt an der Zeit an den Winterschlaf zu denken. Wir habe...

MIYO Expert Mode auf unserer App

Now new - the MIYO Expert Mode takes customer service to a new level

The new “Expert Mode” of the MIYO app now offers additional functions that allow you to set up MIYO individually. We have also expanded our proven customer service to include a ticket system. The M...

Das Feedback unserer Kunden zählt

Our customers’ feedback counts

MIYO needs support. More specifically, reviews! With our new feedback tool “Trustpilot”, you can now rate our company and customer service online. MIYO , the fully automatic and needs-based irrigat...

BewässerungTipps von MIYO zur Rasenpflege im Sommer

Lawn care in summer? With MIYO you know how!

Proper lawn care is particularly important in summer to ensure that yellow and brown spots do not form on the green carpet. We have summarized for you which to-dos are now pending and which mistake...